Autumn Journal Page

I love to pick up fallen leaves when we go for walks with Finn. The autumn leaves are such beautiful colours. There is just something about them that I can’t resist, although I am never quite sure what I will do with them once I get them home. More often than not, they will end up being tossed away again. This year, however, I was determined to use some on a journal page.

Although the leaves were already dry when I collected them, I pressed them under a pile of heavy books for a week to flatten them before I used them.

I painted the background of my journal page with watercolour paints, in autumn shades of golds, reds and orange. Then I glued a photo of Finn onto the page and surrounded it with the leaves. I glued the leaves down, then covered them with a layer of mod podge to protect and preserve them. I used scrapbooking letters to spell out the word Autumn.

Autumn Journal Page

Shades of Autumn

Autumn Leaves


floating, falling, drifting, swirling

downward, northward, high & low

spirited, lively, playful, carefree

crisp & breezy, to & fro

amber, auburn, chestnut, copper

old gold, russet, nut brown, mocha

colourful carpets of leaves everywhere

farewell summer

 autumn is here!

Pakowhai Country Park

Autumn is one of my favourite seasons, when the nights are cooler, and the trees are changing colours.I love crunching through piles of fallen leaves when we take Cody for walks, and collecting them to collage scrapbook pages.

Materials used – Background paper by Bella! Sarah-Jane Paperz, Autumn sticker collage by jolee’s boutique, leaves, buttons