Woven wall hanging

I recently bought a small weaving loom from Spotlight, a local craft and homeware store. It is light and portable and a perfect size for making small projects. When I began this project, I didn’t have an exact plan in mind other than to make a wall hanging using materials I had on hand. After deciding on a natural, earthy colour scheme, I gathered together everything I had in my stash that I thought I could use – ribbons, fibers, lace, trim, yarn, fabric scraps, and even a hemp bracelet with little bells on.


The process was very therapeutic. While sitting, weaving the pieces over and under, adding the pieces randomly, I watched a pattern slowly begin to form. I left the ends hanging out to give it a raw, organic feel. Then, when it was finished, I cut the bottom threads from the loom and threaded beads through, knotting them underneath to hold them on. Finally, I lifted the top threads from the loom, slid a piece of driftwood through, and attached a piece of recycled silk yarn for hanging.

12 thoughts on “Woven wall hanging

  1. Wow, what an amazing wall hanging! Your piece is so beautiful, it has a wonderful organic feel to it and I love all the texture and interest that you created 😁. The addition of the hemp bracelet with the bells and driftwood is stunning and I didn’t know that you could weave with so many different mediums. Wishing you a happy and creative week! J 😊 x


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