Little Book of Ancestors

I recently took Laly Mille’s online class, Little Book of Whispers, a beautiful class in which she teaches you how to make a mixed media artist book connecting to the whispers of your soul. I chose to make my book into a little book of ancestors.

I embellished the pages with scraps of vintage lace and doilies, ribbons, buttons, and sewing ephemera, many of which belonged to my ancestors. I also used vintage greeting cards from my collection, Victorian decoupage scraps, pressed flowers from my garden, pages from old music books, fabric, and pieces of broken jewellery.

Between the covers of this little book lie the whispers of my ancestors.

To learn more about Laly Mille’s class, Little Book of Whispers, click here. The class is only available to join at certain times of the year, but you can get on the wait list to learn when the next class is open for registration. I urge you to take a look at her website where you will find lots of beautiful mixed media art and inspiration.

The House in Wattle Lane, the second book in my Wattle Lane series, also delves into ancestry and connecting to whispers of the past.

When 29-year-old Neave Hamlin is made redundant from her job in the city, she decides to return to the small town of Kerrigan to consider her future and to reconnect with her estranged father and half-siblings. However, she soon learns that being part of a family is not always easy as she struggles to cope with the emotional dramas of her 14-year-old, half-sister, Lily, who insists that the old family home is haunted, and a less than welcoming stepmother.

After attending a heritage scrapbooking class, Neave is inspired to learn more about the lives of her ancestors. While searching for the truth behind a dark family secret, she discovers that sometimes unearthing the past can shine a light on the future.

The House in Wattle Lane includes recipes.

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Scrappy Cupcake Angels, book one in the Wattle Lane novels, introduces you to some of the other characters who live in the small New Zealand town of Kerrigan, several of whom also make an appearance in The House in Wattle Lane.

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20 thoughts on “Little Book of Ancestors

  1. Hallo Kristah, thank you for passing by. I definitely love your ancestors album, I have a lot of pictures from my grandparents, think I’m going to make something similar, too.


  2. All I can say is, wow!! This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Kristah! Have you thought about submitting this to a magazine for publication? It is beautiful beyond words—and the story behind it is so unique and lovely!


  3. Wow, your Little Book Of Ancestors is stunning! I love all the pages you created using the fabric, pressed flowers, lace, buttons and vintage papers and greetings cards – amazing 😁. It must have such sentimental value using family photos and ephemera, what a wonderful way to keep those memories safe! Thanks for the link to Laly Mille’s website too, wonderful 😀. I’m off to check out your book now, I’m in awe of your writing and I love that you included recipes too 😁. Wishing you a lovely week! J 😊


    • Thanks, Jo! I enjoyed gathering some of my favourite family photos and ephemera that connect me to memories of my ancestors and putting them all together into a little book I can hold in my hands. It is very tactile with all of the ribbons and buttons and embellishments. I hope you enjoy browsing Laly Mille’s website. Wishing you a lovely week too!

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