Owl Journal Page

This owl journal page was inspired by a recent Kelly Rae Unscripted video. I love watching Kelly Rae’s weekly painting videos and get lots of ideas for techniques I can incorporate into my own art.

First I painted the background, then stenciled on a pattern with ink. The tree was collaged with pages torn from an old magazine, then painted over with inks and granulation medium. I sketched the owls on to the page, cut out feathers from scrapbook papers and glued them down with Mod Podge. The leaves are cut out from scrapbook papers and outlined with ink. I used coloured pens for outlining, inks for shading, and paint pens for the moon and moonlight.


10 thoughts on “Owl Journal Page

  1. Wow, your owl pages are so beautiful! I love the way you have used the inks, the stenciled background and shading is amazing. Your owls are so detailed with all the lovely feathers you cut out, it was well worth the time and effort they are gorgeous : -) . Wishing you a happy weekend! J 🙂

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    • Thanks Kate! It did take a while to cut out all the feathers, and it was quite fiddly gluing them all down, but I was pleased with the final effect. It was a great project for using up bits of paper scraps. Thanks for your comment!

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