My 2017 Planner

I have always been a list maker. Each morning I write a list of things I want to achieve that day. Sometimes I write it out the night before so that I can go to sleep without going over in my mind what I need to do the next day. At the end of the day I take pleasure in crossing off the tasks I have completed and feel a sense of achievement if I have managed to accomplish them all.

This year I decided that, instead of having lists lying around the house, I would make a planner where I could keep everything organised in a fun, creative way. Although there are lots of lovely planners you can buy, I decided to use a recipe journal I have had for a few years, but never used. I think I bought it because it was purple, my favourite colour, but I have another lovely recipe folder that I have been using, so this one has been stashed away in a cupboard until now.


I decorated the front with scrapbook papers and a small tag, and I also decorated the back and inside cover.


The journal has six dividers so I have 2 months for each divider and use word stickers for the months.


On the inside of the divider I glued small calendar pages so I can see the dates at a glance.


I use a page for each week and write down important dates, what I’m reading, art and craft projects I’m working on, and weekly menus. At the top I attach a stack of To Do notelets with a paper clip so that at the end of each day I can transfer any tasks I haven’t completed to a new list and throw the old one away.


The paper clips are also handy for keeping snippets I have clipped from magazines or junk mail, of things I want to remember or look up on the Internet. I attach the weekly menu to the page with washi tape so that I can easily take it off at the end of the week if I want to, and in its place I put pictures for art inspiration that I have cut out of catalogues or magazines.


Plastic sleeves provide a place for photos taken during the week.


I set the pages up a month at a time so I can easily write out my lists each day, and then when I have time I can add embellishments like stickers, decorative tape, and pressed flowers from my garden. I find it is a fun and creative place to keep things organised – everything together all in one place. It is like a planner, journal, and scrapbook all in one.

8 thoughts on “My 2017 Planner

  1. That’s a really cute organiser! I love how the decorations give it a fun, quirky look 🙂 Hmm, this inspires me to start getting creative with my own stuff too.


  2. Lovely planner! I really relate to the sentiment you used “Treasure the time, love the moments” and there is nothing better than crossing off the tasks from my list that I have completed, it give me a great sense of achievement too. The embellishments and pieces you add to the pages from your craft stash are a beautiful touch and make it so personal – perfect! Have a great weekend! J 🙂


  3. Sounds great Kristah! I’m afraid I don’t have the time or energy for something like that. I just write my journal every day, and any jobs that need doing get written on an old used envelope, then crossed off. My husband does the envelope thing too. Iy seems to work reasonably well. :-0


    • It does take a little time, but it makes me happy to work in it, and I can use up some of those stickers and notelets I have accumulated in my craft stash over the years. But you’re right, an old envelope works just as well!

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