A Flower a Day

While it is mid-winter and there is not much going on in my garden at the moment to document in my garden journal, I decided to practice painting watercolour flowers. I have begun A Flower a Day project, challenging myself to paint a different flower every day. I paint them onto watercolour paper, referring to photos taken of my garden last summer, then I stick them into my journal. It is a good way for me to practice using watercolour paints and I am loving the process. Sometimes I like to add mixed media embellishments, such as washi tape or fibres, to my mini flower paintings.

This is what I have painted so far.








7 thoughts on “A Flower a Day

  1. Hi Kristah
    I like your watercolour paintings very much, they are lovely and I like this frame arround them.
    Flowers are my favourite theme also.
    I always taught that I have no any skills in painting but I was always dream about It.
    A few months ago I bought for myself box od watercolour paints.
    I use them very often in my journal. I like to use waterproof pen to writing and Then I paint flowers on the top.
    There look like flowers from Cartoon or painted by Child (I am 47) but I am enjoing doing this and brings me lots of Joy.
    Your Garden journal is so nice idea and I am feeling inspired by your post.
    Thank you for sharing


    • Thanks, Jola!
      I only started drawing and painting a couple of years ago (I am 50) because until then I never thought I would be any good at it, either. But, like you, I always dreamed about it and now I just paint because I love it so much. The important thing is that it is bringing you joy. I love your idea of using waterproof pen to write, then painting flowers on top. It is something I would like to try in my journal.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, to have time to paint. I don’t see that coming anytime soon, but it is lovely you are challenging yourself to do so.


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