Early Spring Garden

Our early spring garden is looking pretty this year. A friend gave me a packet of tulip bulbs for my birthday. I had never grown tulips before, so I was excited to see what they would turn out like. They are a mix of colours and look stunning in our front garden amidst the wallflowers, calendulas, bluebells and purple alyssum. Nick took these lovely photos.









I love the faces on these pretty blue pansies.


I have got some seeds on the go in our little shade house – tomatoes, peas, beetroot, spring onions, zucchinis, lettuces, marigolds, phacelia, echinacea, stevia, and bergamot. Nick has built a fence to stop Finn getting into the vegetable garden, so I’m able to start planting seedlings again. Finn was jumping up into the raised beds, digging and pulling out the plants. He developed quite a liking for broccoli and demolished most of the plants just before they were ready to pick. At the moment I can only garden in short bursts while Finn lies on the other side of the fence, patiently watching through the palings, until he becomes bored and starts barking and whining. Hopefully, over the next few weeks, he’ll get used to being on the other side of the fence as I spend more time in the garden.

new fence


13 thoughts on “Early Spring Garden

    • Thanks, Linda! Finn is much better now when I am gardening. He will lie the other side of the fence and watch me for a while, and then go off and do his own thing. We thought he might try and dig under the fence, but luckily he hasn’t!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Ahh, I’m sure he will learn in time. Our second puppy hared around our garden, up into the raised beds and back through the patio door onto the newly laid pale carpet! 😮 Oh well. In time though, he got used to where he could and couldn’t go and I’m sure Finn will do the same and just enjoy being out there with you calmly. Perhaps there could be a special toy he can have for ‘garden time’? Just a thought 🙂

    The flowers look lovely! Although we’ve been lucky with rather an Indian Summer here in the UK, it’s definitely Autumn now. Enjoy your garden – and all your lovely veggies! My Dad gave me some beetroots this year and I made a beetroot and chocolate cake – heaven!


  2. Poor Finn, ha ha. The flowers are beautiful – tulips are such a wonderful flower. We are in fall and you are in spring! Last week we purchase a few mums for fall and we are putting away all our summer patio furniture for another – most likely cold winter!


    • I know! I feel so guilty shutting him the other side of the fence. I’m sure he wonders why I’m allowed to dig in the garden and he’s not!
      I was amazed at how many different colour tulips came up.
      I hope your fall and winter aren’t too cold!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks. Our fall has not been too bad. A bit rainy and damp at times and then other days are beautiful. Yes, I can only imagine what Finn is thinking!


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