Meet Finn

We have a new puppy! His name is Finn and he is 10 weeks old. He is a Jack Russell/Foxy cross and he is very adorable (except for when he’s hanging onto me with his needle-sharp teeth!) He loves to curl up on my lap while I’m working at the computer, and he loves to play with cardboard boxes. We’re all looking forward to when he’s had his final vaccinations so we can start taking him out for walks to run off some of his boundless energy. He starts puppy pre-school tonight. Hopefully he won’t be too naughty!



7 thoughts on “Meet Finn

  1. Oh he is just gorgeous! He looks like so much fun!!! BTW I started Hidden Dreams last night. I love old Victorian homes and gardens!! I know your new book just came out… but… are you working on anything else?


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