7 thoughts on “Free eBook

  1. I have just finished “Hidden dreams” and I enjoyed each one of its pages!!! I spent such a great time reading them…..!!!!

    Thanks so much for writing such good stories.

    I’m going to buy the rest of your books. Is there anyone related to patchwork? Reading and patchwork are my two passions.

    Please go on writing

    Greetings from Spain


  2. I’m sorry I’m late to get this for my kindle. I had just meet you looking for Holly Hobbie things and I’ve just discovered you are a writer, I love reading! and i also love patchwork. I’m going to see if the Book Depository has your books, they are great because they don’t make you pay for the shipping and as I live in Spain it’s difficult for me to find many of the books published in English .


  3. Kristah! How wonderful that you have an e-book!! I just downloaded it to my Kindle. I always wanted to write a book and I started but did not get too far. I guess that is why I blog – I can write small postings but a book is rather daunting. Congrats!!


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