My 2014 Art Journal

At the beginning of this year, I started a new art journal. I’m using a sketchbook that I bought last year—I just love the cover!


Inside, I created a title page. I painted the background and stamped on random shapes using bubble wrap, corrugated cardboard and a cardboard tube. Then I glued down pictures cut from scrapbook cardstock and cards.


I journaled my goals for the year—nothing too adventurous, just simple things like gardening, writing and crafts. Oh, and most importantly, adopt a dog! Then, throughout the year, I am going to journal about the things that make me happy, the things that make up my everyday life. It might be places that I visit, things I’ve seen, a book I’ve enjoyed, or flowers that are blooming in my garden.




By the end of the year my journal will be filled with thoughts and imaginings, photographs, drawings, clippings, stickers, and anything else I might want to put in there. It will be like a scrapbook, a way for me to creatively document my year, and at the end of the year I will have a colourful journal of memories.

2 thoughts on “My 2014 Art Journal

  1. Looks great, Kristah! I used a Smashbook last year to do a similar thing, but no drawings or anything – I’m not that arty ha ha! It’s fun to look back on the things you did or thought about that you may well have forgotten if you hadn’t written it down. Good to go back and use for reference on scrapbook layouts too! Look forward to seeing pics of the new pooch! How exciting! 😀


    • Thanks, Maxi! It’s fun to have a book of journaling, drawings and photos to look back on. It takes me so long to do the drawing, though, it’ll probably end up with more photos, doodles, and scrappy bits and pieces stuck in it, than actual sketches.
      We haven’t got our new pooch yet, but hopefully soon. I can’t wait!


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