Holly Hobbie Quilt

I recently discovered a range of newly released Holly Hobbie quilt fabrics at an online craft store, and I was immediately transported back to my childhood. Does anyone remember Holly Hobbie, the young girl with the patchwork dress, the blue bonnet and the brown boots?  In the seventies, the Holly Hobbie character was made into a popular rag doll, as well as numerous other products. In 2006, Holly Hobbie was redesigned with a spin-off product line called Holly Hobbie and Friends. There were three new dolls released, and a movie with the back story that the new Holly was the great-granddaughter of the original Holly.

I made this small quilt using some of the new Holly Hobbie fabrics, just the right size for a doll’s quilt or a wall hanging. You could add extra panels or borders to make a lovely quilt for a little girl’s bed.

Holly Hobbie quilt


24 thoughts on “Holly Hobbie Quilt

  1. Hi! My name is Desa and im a 42 year old mommy of 3 boys, and i live in Hobart Indiana. My WHOLE childhood was Holly Hobbie, toys, bedset, curtains, dishes, etc!!! I am ADDICTED to Holly Hobbie!!! ANYTHING Holly Hobbie!! I love it all!! I came across this picture of a Holly Hobbie quilt or wall hanging/blanket. I HAD to ask you, do you sell these items at all or are you simply just sharing your childhood memories with us?? Lol. IF you can or are willing to sell ANY of this Holly Hobbie memorabilia, can you PLEASE contact me?? If your not selling a single thing, then that’s perfectly ok too!! Lol. Thank you for your time!!! Have an awesome day!!!


  2. I loved Holly Hobbie, back in the 80s when I was a girl, and still love it’s picture, I think it was her who made me get it in love for patchwork for the first time. I have just bought this panel and i think I’m going to do like you and quilt it. i was so glad to find this fabric in Spain, where I live. We are 4 sisters and we all had stationery about Holly .Thanks for sharing your memories and the link to Karen’s page.


  3. Holly Hobbie was still around somewhat in the early to mid-’80s in West Virginia, where I live. I remember having a folder, coloring book, etc. I think one of my friends had a lunchbox. Thanks for the memories your post brought back.


  4. I actually have a 1976 light bulb Holly Hobby oven that sits on my Kitchen counter to this day. I loved every thing Holly Hobby as well, my mom even painted pictures of her on wooden plaques for my bedroom walls. If you would like of picture of the oven for your website let me know.


  5. Ooh Holly Hobby! Do you remember the trend for plastercast models of things in the 70s and 80s? I had 2 Holly Hobby plaques we made in my bedroom. Enjoy your quilt 🙂


  6. Oh, wow – what a blast from the past! I have always had a bit of a thing for nice stationery and can remember having a lovely Holly Hobbie notepad, with matching pencil case, pencils and ruler. I had forgotten all about her until I saw your post.


  7. I remember Holly Hobbie. My mom loved her and we had a couple of books about Holly. Back when we were pretty young, my mom also decorated Holly Hobbie birthday cakes for my sister and me. Niftiest cakes she ever created, besides the guitar cake she made for my dad. 🙂 The quilt is very cute! Glad you shared it.


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