Jump on and enjoy the flight

“Time flies. It’s up to you to be the navigator.” – Robert Orben

Do you find that time goes faster as you grow older? I think it is since I reached my forties that I really began to notice it. There just doesn’t seem to be as much time in the day now to do all the things I want to do. Or maybe it just takes me longer to get things done. I think too, that as we get older, there is a fear of time running out, and we become more aware of the need to do things now instead of putting them off with the thought that we will get around to doing them one day. It becomes more pressing to make good use of the precious time that we have.

I love clocks, especially old-fashioned ones. I wonder if it has something to do with my great-great-great-grandfather being a watchmaker? Perhaps a fascination for time is in my genes. My grandparents used to have a grandfather clock in their home, and when I visited them as a child, I thought it was something quite special. Nobody else I knew had one. I still don’t know anyone else who has one.

This Kaisercraft cuckoo clock was a fun project to make. It comes as a kitset to make up and decorate, and the clock really works! It ended up a different colour to what I had planned because I couldn’t work out how to mix my paints to the colour I wanted. However, I am happy with the final result. Now I just have to find somewhere to hang it!

Kaisercraft cuckoo clock

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