Recycling Christmas Cards

My passion for papercrafts began when I was a young girl, when I would save every birthday card I was given, many of which I still have today. I hang onto them for sentimental reasons—for memories of my childhood and of the people who gave them to me, but also for the beautiful images on the cards. I used to save all my Christmas cards as well, but unfortunately you can only accumulate so many before you officially become a hoarder! So a few years ago, out of necessity, I began to be selective in which ones I would keep. I still keep every card that Nick gives me, birthday cards from my family, as well as the beautiful handmade cards that our niece in England makes for us each birthday and Christmas. And of course, there are always a few that have such pretty pictures that I can’t bear to part with them.

However, all is not lost. Instead of discarding our Christmas cards at the end of the holiday season, I found a way to recycle them down to a couple of pages in an album. A few years ago I began a Christmas scrapbook album. Each year I make two collaged pages with pictures cut from the Christmas cards surrounding photos taken on Christmas Day, and some brief journalling on how we spent Christmas that year. The pictures from the Christmas cards make wonderful free embellishments on the pages, and it is lovely to look back through the different years and remember how we spent each Christmas.

What do you do with your Christmas cards once the festive season is over?

Christmas scrapbook page

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